
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Extra Davao Experience & People's Park

These was normally my breakfast everyday, healthy breakfast, which I miss the most. Especially Hobnobs because I really do love it since I was still in Saudi Arabia, I love digestive biscuits so much. Well, Hobnobs specifically was introduce by my friends in AJISD, there's this classmate that brought one bag of it then everyone went insane and pleased that person to give them. And I was like hmmm, I should try it, then when I did, it blew my mind. We (my family) don't usually buy Hobnobs, we just buy the classic digestive biscuit that I actually love but I love Hobnobs more.
 This was my first time to drink this beverage so I had to picture it. And yes, I loved it! It has real strawberry cuts in there and that catches me, I wish I could actually find this beverage here in Zamboanga. Oh pls Zamboanga, umasenso ka na pls. Haha!
 Ariana Grande peg, yayks!
 I took this picture at the terrace in the 3rd floor of our house while I was making sampay of my clothes. Lol, labandera problems. I was actually scared because it was quite high and I thought that I would fall down anytime soon.
 Well this is something that shock me, because Zamboanga's and Davao's sikad (or bike or tricycle or whatever they call it but here in Zamboanga we call it sikad) is actually different. Davao's better though, and I like their umbrella because it's bigger than Zamboanga's sikad. And y'know what, my father told me that they pull it down when the sun goes down. That's so fascinating, well I do find it fascinating. During this time, we went home from SM Lanang. It was just walking distance, well sikad distance? Hahaha, you get the point, SM Lanang is just our mall next door.
Okay, I said back on my previous blog post (Davao's Crocodile Park II: Cute Lazy Tiger & Conquered Fear) that I will blog about People's Park. And yes, I know, I haven't done it til now. I don't know why either, maybe because I was just lazy. Haha! But here it is.

People's Park is a very colorful park, it boosted your energy right after you enter the park. Trust me, it happened to me. We roam the park around, and took lots of photos then Fhar and I left our parents together to enjoy their time together in such a nice place. #MayForever, from their actions and the way they speak together, it shows how they love each other even though they're already old, the spark is still there. Which I will forever be grateful with because it is something that not all people or daughters/sons have from their parents. I'm so blessed. Then, we ate icecream which was Durian flavor because it was actually the only flavor so we were given no choice. Durian because it's the symbol of Davao, I guess, because they're rich in Durian.

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