
Friday, July 17, 2015

Eid'l Fitr 2015

Eid Mubarak, sisters and brothers! I wish you had a blast during the celebration of  Eid'l Fitr.
This is my second year of celebrating Eid here in the Philippines, and haven't miss the prayer of Eid'l Fitr which is fortunate because I was the only girl in the house that was able to this year. So, Alhamdulillah. I went to the mosque with my father (Yes po, he's here in Zamboanga! Woop! Woop! Haha). And I didn't took lots of photos in the mosque because I feel like it's inappropriate because someone might misunderstood my intention. So I decided not to take lots of photos because apparently people's judgments doesn't just affect my image but as well as my parents. 

After the prayer, I went to our house right away, and waited for the kids to come in our house for Jarah (which basically means that is base on my understanding, kids show respect to the elders/neighbors and as for giving back the respect, we give the kids anything that we can afford.) and gave them candies because kids love candies. And I do too, so I snitch some lol. I waited outside the house with Fhar, and my two nephews (Manman and Tikar).
I was so tired and sleepy during that morning as I was awake since 3AM. So I took a nap, and when I woke up there are lots of visitors and this is something that I don't really fancy. I've been struggling this problem since late elementary days, because I thought that if there are lots of visitors, there are a lots of stress and noise and dirt and faking and I don't even know. But I wish my point of view will change someday. And I started being anxious on whether I'll entertain the visitors or not, but in the end, I've decided not to go out of the room because I know I won't be entertaining them very well since I'm not really that entertaining and funny or even friendly.
And when there are less visitors, I decided to go out of the room and went to buy something outside and somehow did little chitchats with the remaining visitors which was quite scary for me but it was worth it. Alhamdulillah.
Here is something that I thought would make you smile. My ugly wacky face. LOL!
I might be removing this photo in few days though.

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