
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sundae Sunday

Happy Sunday everybody! Today is a #sundaesunday day. How corny is that! I only made that up last week, wherein I was craving for sundae and thought ooh it's sunday today, I should've bought sundae. But anyway, now I have bought it. And if you (or anyone else in the world) already thought about this sundae sunday, high five! But first I'll start of from the beginning of the day.

My first ever online shop shopping item was this sweater which says Positive mind, Positive vibes, Positive life, just to remind myself to think positive always for me to have a positive life. It's a process y'know.
Anyway, I bought it on instagram, which was an account that sells clothing items based in Zamboanga City (which I'm currently at). Zamboanga peeps! Check out this account: @easyshopzc, uhmm for ladies only.
Fhar and I went to town to eat lunch, print some school documents, and buy my materials for my scrapbooking. First we decided to print the documents which was so hassle because all of a sudden my feet got wounded coz my shoes was new, it kinda peeled the most outer layer of my skin. And yes, it hurts so much that I couldn't walk. But it was solve right away, thanks to Fhar, she was so eager to help me (she was eager because she was already hungry so she has no choice but to help me haha).

After that, we went to McDonalds to eat lunch, our main order was chicken fillet meal, coke float, large fries, and of course what am I missing, the sundae because it's sundae sunday! Yay! Why do I have to be so weird? Haha. Then, after we ate, we went to the nearest bookstore and bought my necessities.

My dinner was McDonalds as well, because when Mader arrived from visiting my aunt, she bought the Ala King (Ikaw ang aking mahal -Alden) meal, which I didn't really enjoy because it's not my type. BUT what I enjoyed was the two bff fries, I was craving fries when Fhar and I got home after we bought the materials for my scrapbook. I fee like, my mother and I have some unimaginable-invisible connection with each other somewhere out of the world (haha jk). But, thanks Mader! You never fail to bring food after you went to town. Love you.

I also just finished my scrapbook, just right before I write this blog which was impressive because I only did it for two hours. I call it, cramming. Cramming is my best friend most of the time. Haha! After all, I really had a nice day. I hope you had a nice day too.

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