
Sunday, October 25, 2015

#AldubEBTamangPanahon, Lunch at Teng's Grill, & Family Fun Day

Hello readers! What you're going to read is a summary of my day which includes bonding with my family and appreciation of my happy life. I hope you liked it.

This was my yummy breakfast which was made by my mom, the best chef ever, and it includes shrimp so it's the best. 
While I was eating my breakfast, I was already watching the replay of #AldubEBTamangPanahon because I wasn't able to watch it the other day, but it doesn't matter, because now I can tell you that I already watch it. And it did made me cry, what a surprise. Maine is really lucky that Alden is really into her, ugh I wish I was Maine. Alden is the sweetest. And they're so cute and lovely together. I hope they're real, and forever exist in them. But believe it or not, I'm a real fan of AlDub. I even defend them in school, because others were Pastillas fans, and they don't like AlDub so. Add on, I'm a pure Kapamilya and I watch AlDub, that's all.
These are my favorite photos of them which I got from Twitter. Look how royalty they look, and Baste is so cute. I wanna eat him, but that'd be child abuse. Credits to the owners of these photos.
And we ate lunch in Teng's Grill, and I made a promise to not go there again. Because I know that they've got poor management, everything was unorganized, and they massively need renovation, this branch from GSIS is just uncomfortable. I hope they renovate it and manage it properly because honestly their food was good, just not the restaurant in general, so I can go there again.
I can say that my two nephews were the ones who enjoyed the most. They went to Fun House, which I wasn't able to take some photos of them, because it was crowded and they were too excited, I couldn't get a nice photo because they move a lot. And after that, they try this ride which I can say that they enjoyed it and finally I took a nice photo of them. They're so cute, I love it when they're having fun. Oooh I just sounded like an emotional aunt.

Then we went to food court to grab some snack, since I can't have sundae because my cough isn't completely gone, I just went for a mocha in Highlands Coffee, I really love their coffee, it's just different from the others. And my sister, Amina, bought a bucket of cheese fries at Potato Corner, which was life. But I only ate few because cheese obviously isn't a good treat for my cough. 

We took lots of photos, because Papa's here, and we really have to cherish every moment with him because he only comes here in Zamboanga quite sometimes. And haha yeah, my two nephews were really forcing me to have selfies with them, how cute, and we've got lots of selfies but only chose four selfies for this blog, because obviously I can't blog them all. My sister Amina, is someone who doesn't join group shots or selfies more often, because she's religious. But now, I've got a nice selfie with her because she was in a good mood.
But mom, don't put your hand on dad's bum, how inapproriate we're in public #naughty 
Yes again, I got wild in the grocery again because... I just love grocery. It's my life in just one place, how could that not be special right. Especially that Papa was the one who'll pay our purchases, and sky's the limit. Because Papa, isn't really conscious with his money anymore unlike before but he still budgets them without pressuring us. I can say that I'm blessed to have a father like him, well I'm blessed forever because my life is probably the best blessing to me. I'm just so happy. 

I love grocery, I love buying things, I love eating outside, I love spending money. But I can be the most practical person ever, like I normally calculate my grocery items and I'm 17 but I'm already saving money for no specific reason, I just thought I might need it in the future to travel and do whatever I want after college or for emergencies. I just sounded like a grown-up but it's me now. Because I believe that my luxury life in Saudi Arabia is gone now and I need to work hard to save up some money and not just depending on my parents because eventually they won't provide for my needs anymore and I have to work hard harder than I'm doing right now in college, so I'm already practicing to discipline myself when it comes to my financial transactions. I hope you're like that too, because eventually you'll thank me for saying this.
City Mall is in a Halloween theme right now, which made me excited, because I love Halloween (Zoe's influence). I hope I can do more during this time of the year, but Zamboanga isn't really keen of it, but maybe in the future. I believe that they'll improve their economy eventually. Oh and there were cosplayers, and I wanted to take photos with them but I'm too shy and my sister was like "you want to take photos with them but you don't know which character they are in anime, because I do know them" and I'm like, okay anime minded.

This day was really really fun, it made me more happy about my life, because I know I'm forever blessed and I've got the best people around and I think that's the most important thing. Yeah I've got ups and downs but that didn't made me feel unhappy about my life because I know it's part of life, because that's life. You just have to think more positively and your life will just be positive. Trust me, it's true, it might hard in the beginning but you'll get there.

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