
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

See you soon, brother!

Yesterday was the flight of my brother to Manila. I felt a little sad because he's going to leave us here in Zamboanga but huge part of me was happy because he'll go to Manila to apply for a job, I would be very happy if he gets an opportunity in Manila to go to Saudi Arabia. He's part of my prayer, always. As of now, he already arrived in Manila. I'm hoping to see him very soon. I will miss that weirdo because he is an ultimate laugh-at-everything person which is a good thing, although sometimes it's annoying. Haha. He's a very protective brother, as usual. But I don't take it as a negative thing because I really need someone to protect me from troubles especially to those narcissistic guys.  

It was a gloomy day obviously as it is quite shown on the photos above. I think the reason was the sadness in our heart because another member of the family will be apart. Although I know, that we are all apart. Hoping someday we'll get together, even just for one day. It would probably be one of my happiest day.

Always remember that everything happens for a reason
God bless

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