
Saturday, August 2, 2014

BSBA Fiesta

Hi blog! I haven't blog very much, and you have no idea how much I miss it. These last few days my hands are eager to spend time with the keyboard. My excuse is I'm so busy due to college works. But, I'll try and attempt to write blogs more often because I don't want my blog to miss some cool stuff that are happening in my life, hopefully.

Two days of BSBA Fiesta and all I can say is.. wooh epic. It was very exciting and new to me. Although I've experienced some of what we did during the fiesta. It wasn't as you think, that there'll be marching bands or long table of different kinds of foods. It was simply about literary, business, and of course having fun which is obviously fun games. The first day was held in our campus, 6th floor (to be specific since it's the floor of School of Business Management). I was a finalist of Spelling Bee, I just want you to know.. it wasn't my choice, I didn't want it. But at least, it's an opportunity. And unfortunately I didn't gave all my best, because honestly I'm not confident enough to win since I and my partner are still freshmen, our IQ is lower compared to those higher levels that we competed with. As we expected we didn't won, but I would like to brag that only freshmen got the correct spelling for "bivouac" due to my military experience during my highschool days. 

We freshmen also sell foods because of course, it's business, we are BSBA (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration). We ridiculously sell eggplant. I couldn't believe it happened especially that we are the only year level that sells it. It was so much fun because I tried to recruit loads of customers by just convincing them and by my talkative loud mouth. 

Second day of the fiesta was held in Pasonanca UZ Campus. It was supposed to start at 7AM but it actually started at 9AM. But during the 2hrs waiting, we roam the campus, we saw lots of horses, a monkey, a goat, a cow.. and a huge crocodile. The place was scary (honestly speaking), I just thought that maybe it was new to me that's why I got scared of the place. We played different kinds of games although the rain kept on ruining our fun, we still tried to continue with the games whenever the rain stops. I was part of Red Warriors team that turned to Red Horse team. I had fun but I would rate it as 7/10. But still.. Nice work to those officers that held the event. I was pretty aware by their suffering, sacrificing, and hard working. 

I really do hope to blog more but college works are my priority. I love blogging so I'll blog more, hopefully. It is such a relief to blog after all my cravings.. I'm satisfied. Always remember that everything happens for a reason. God bless. 

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