
Sunday, June 1, 2014

My Best'est Friend

Let me warn you that this blog might be a dramatic one. 
I know a friend that has the longest patience and I'm lucky to be her friend. I know a friend that is always there for me. I know a friend that is very beautiful inside and out. I know a friend that always understands me all the time. I know a friend that has loads of problems but she doesn't want to be affected by it. I know a friend that gives a lot of effort to the people she loves. I know a friend that anyone would be so lucky to be her friend. I know a friend that I can probably keep forever. That's my best friend, Nikki Royce Bartolome Enriquez.
I'm going to tackle with you how lucky I am to be her best friend. Summer of 2013, I was such a total messed up. Which means that anxiety was always bothering me. She was there for me. She talks to me 'til midnight and making sure that I'm okay, because I was having insomnia all the time. Honestly, she's the only person that I talk to about my anxiety and insomnia. I'm expecting she won't understand, but she tried and she did. That is so impressive because not all people can truly understand it. She helped me turn my negatives to positives. She is really a positive person, which is amazing because I needed a friend like her at that moment. For me, that is the most amazing thing she did for me. Yes, it is. I am truly blessed cause she was there for me. Next, I had boys issues, and she of course helped me handle it. She made ways to make complicated things clear. Without her being brave talking to boys, I would probably be confused 'til now. She was there for me.  She managed the COCC to greet me on my birthday even it wasn't necessary. She made my birthday special. She was there and she even took a video of it. She and Sara made cakes for my birthday and it was a surprise. Honestly, I really had no clue that'll happen. I mentioned it on my previous blog here. It was impressive and she was there for me. Before I went to Dammam, she stayed at my house as it was the last time we'll gonna see each other. She was there for me, even the time that I'm going to leave her in Riyadh. Those are the special things she did for me and I have to say she did LOADS, not just those. She is amazing.
I would like to take this opportunity to say that I sincerely thank you for what you've done for me. You've done lots of things for me that I think I haven't payed off. You are truly an amazing person. I know you're kinda being a negative person because of me. Always remember that I will always be here for you even in your darkest moments like what you did for me before. Thank you so much that you are my friend even though (maybe) you can't handle my attitude because I'm a bipolar. Thank you for always understanding me even it is already hard, because I know it is hard to be my friend. It is hard to pretend that it was okay with you even it wasn't. I know it is hard. I can feel it. But this is me, I can't fully change myself now. That is why I can count my friends. Thank you so much for being there for me, always. Even if we have arguments, you're still there. And, you're still my best friend. I couldn't thank you enough but thank you so much. I really really love you, always remember that, even if I act like I don't. Haha. Thank you so so so much!

I'm sorry for being such a brat friend. I'm sorry for always bullying you. I'm sorry that I'm always hurting you. I'm sorry when I scream at you. I'm sorry for being moody all the time. I'm sorry that I don't reply back. I'm sorry for taking you advantage. I'm sorry for not being a good best friend. I'm sorry that I'm not responsible that I couldn't take care of our friendship well because I'm a freak. 
Thank you for everything. I vow to be your best friend 'til death. I love you so much, tabachoychoy!

God bless! 
Always remember that everything
happens for a reason

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