
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Davao's Crocodile Park I: Exploring Wild Arena, "Celebriatic" Orangutan, & Impressive Bat Wings

Yap, we got it from her *wink*
"Pls, I'm not yet ready with my bongga pose"
"This is my posing, and it's fabulous, I know"
Extraordinary couple that has their own world. The sweetest.
"Okay human, I'm gonna smile for you even though you're annoying me"
We went to Crocodile Park around 3PM which we thought was very late, but it wasn't actually. I would just like to add that our taxi driver was so lovely, he was entertaining us although sometimes I don't understand what was he talking about since he's using the Bisaya language. I understand quite a bit because some of my friends in Zamboanga are pure Bisaya people. 

When we got there, the place was quiet and dull and has less people than my expectations. The first animal that we encountered was an eagle, or rather a baby eagle since he's not really big as he was supposed to be based on my expectations again. And then, lots of crocodiles, unknown animals with weird names that I haven't known my entire life, a parrot which Mama called ugly, snakes that stinks but impressively big, a pond of turtles, a big turtle, a huge lizard which I don't quitely remember the name but I read "Dragon Den" before I went to the garden of it and the huge turtle's so maybe that's it, lots of birds, a large field with lots of ostriches (that's hard to pronounce though), and an incredibly impressive bat.

To be continued..

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