
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Went To Boulevard For A Walk

Around  4AM I woke up, thanks to my phone alarm. Then I slept again. Wtf lol. Anyway though, so my cousin, Kah Nadz, who tend to have three beautiful kids is staying in our house temporarily, basically because Mama isn't here, and she's gonna take care of us and make sure of our safety. It's good to have them in here because finally the house is full of noise which don't normally happen on our daily living. And we decided to go for a beach/boulevard walk in the morning. Back to the first sentence, I slept again, and woke up around 5AM because my sister Fhar was waking me up because according to her, I am the only one who's asleep. Everyone's getting ready.

When we got to Cawa Cawa boulevard. The crowd wasn't really busy, in fact it was peaceful. The wind of the sea and those quietly jogging fit people. We took selfies/groufies and appreciate the beauty of the sea. After awhile, we've decided to go down town to grab some breakfast by walking from boulevard (it wasn't really a long walk because we didn't die of tiredness). We ate Satti which you're not familiar with, it's a traditional food for us Tausugs. If you wanna know more about it, Google is always available to answer your question. After we ate, we went home and watched tv series/movies. 

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