
Friday, April 17, 2015

Watched Movies in Cinema & Met a Friend

Today, Papa decided to go watch a movie in cinema. And we're like "OMG YES". Since SM Lanang is our mall next door, we've decided to go there instead of going to other cinemas that are way to far from the house. We got there and did a little shopping first then finally went to the cinema. The available movie which was around 4PM was Kid Kulafu and The Duff. I've heard so many great reviews about Kid Kulafu. So we agreed that we'd watch it since it's about Manny Pacquiao, and it'll be very interesting.

Kid Kulafu was about the childhood of Manny Pacquiao. Where he got his inspiration, why did he entered into the world of boxing, and how did he got his strength that makes him unbeatable. It was so good, I actually didn't expect that it was that good. I swear it is a must watch. That movie forced me to respect him more. He's an inspiration. He works really hard and look where he is right now. He has nothing back then, and look boom, big time! I'm not going to spoil you, as long as you will watch it. It's really good. But one thing I learned about that movie was "Whatever happens, don't give up". Khalil Ramos, a well known young celebrity was there too. He really did a good job and he touches every watcher's heart. Congrats Eugene! Congrats to the crew of this movie! Congrats Direk Paul Soriano!

Next movie was You're My Boss. We were waiting for Papa to pay for the tickets and suddenly, an old friend approach us, it was Ate Zayemah. We were so happy to see her. She haven't changed, still silly and pretty as always. Although she's prettier now. Nice to see you Ate Zaye! I hope I'll see you again together with Zahedah. 

But before we went inside the theatre, we did a short roam while waiting for 6:20PM. Fhar and I went to the Book Sale which was near by the cinema. Something funny happened that I want to share it here. There were group of girls that were so girly and laugh like Kris Aquino. And I was like wtf, but after all I didn't really minded them. But my sister did, a girl said "Oh my God, they have Crescendo here" "Omg I miss One Direction", then my sister went like "Oh my God, look at this book". I even had to cover her mouth to stop because those girls were just beside us. And a girl laughed like Kris Aquino, then my sister imitate her laugh. I was full of embarrassment that I went out of the store because apparently my sister is embarrassing but really funny. It was so funny. 

You're My Boss is a comedy-romance movie. Coco Martin and Toni Gonzaga nailed their character. Especially Coco, he was so funny and charming. 80% time of the movie, I was laughing. This is a must watch as well. This movie is good for barkadas and family bonding. So grab a ticket now and watch it! And now I'm promoting. 

After all, it was such a nice day. We really enjoyed the movies. And this kind of bonding makes me feel more blessed and grateful because basically I'm with my parents. They complete me.

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