
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Culminating Activity 2015 & Fave Player

Culminating Activity 2015 was held in UZ Summit. Haha, I just sounded like a reporter there. But seriously as expected, the program was "insert an appropriate word for boring". Not until I get to hug my friend from Riyadh, Meshael, who is a very pretty tall girl, who always makes me look like her chamber maid. Damn you Mesh!

I went a little stalker while taking pics of my favorite player, Mesh, I was like "Go Mesh!" while taking some photos of her playing, for this blog haha. I also got a chance to take selfie with her, although it was hassle, because I was about to eat lunch with my friends, and there were many students and it was noisy, well in simple words "it was crazy". But it doesn't matter, at least I already have a selfie with her finally. 
Love you Mesh! Mwa mwa x

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