
Friday, October 9, 2015

Mock Job Interview

Today was the mock job interview! I've been preparing for this for weeks, and I don't think I'm exaggerating anything. And well, we all sophomore students of SBM prepared for this. Because we're dealing with interviewers outside the school, they're all professionals. There's real pressure in there.

Yes guys! Believe it or not, my interview went well, it was great. My interviewer was calm and nice, everything she asked me was bearable. I was really calm while talking to her, she's so graceful, and all I heard from her were positive feebacks, I think that's the reason why my confidence went higher than I expected it to be. She was great. I wish we had a selfie though but we were all so busy so I didn't had the chance to. But y'guys, I'm really happy about the outcome of my interview. Alhamdulillah.

Plus, I didn't get nervous before the interview, at all. It was shocking that I didn't feel anxious because the day before, anxiety was all over me. But I got a major anxiety after the interview and a little bit of panic attack which was a bomber but it was all good because my friends were there and we went to Dunkin' Donuts after Mersalyn's (light gold blazer) interview, when my anxiety was all gone.
Then we went for a Hot Choco and Munckins for our little hang out before going home. Hot Choco because we were pretending like we're professionals having meeting in a cafe which is ridiculous but ambitious. Although, the proper choice was suppose to be coffee, but we couldn't bare black coffee so Hot Choco it is.

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