
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September Chronicle 2015

Hello everyone! Since lots of stuff happened this month, I've decided to just compile them all in one blog post. Because, I can. And I never thought it would be this long, believe it or not, I tried not to prolong the blog but yeah I hope you enjoy reading this blog post!

On my way to the hospital
PS: First time to rode alone at night
Staying up all night to watch Fhar sleeping
and study as well. Totoo? Haha!
My sister Amina, waiting outside the operating room while Fhar was still being operated inside.
September 10, my mom admitted my sister Fhar in the hospital for her biopsy operation the day after. She had her operation on September 11, honestly it was scary even though it's a minor operation, we can't deny the fact that it was her first time. But after all, we always believed that she can do it, she's a strong guuurl.
Due to this occurrence, my father took an emergency leave for awhile from his work in Davao City to visit Fhar here in Zamboanga City. Which was so sweet and we love him even more. We missed him so much though. Did you know that he lost lots of weight? Yeah he did and I'm very proud of him, because he's healthy and that's really important. You go Paderdear!
Anyway, the operation went well. And Fhar is currently healing, she's doing well too.
I believe we were about to watch movies and took picture first before going to the room.
One of our last days together, so we decided to have a serious picture of us. Yay!
I miss these guys so much! Missing this gang so much!
See you soon, Chummy, Kath, IC, and Aldrix.
Chummy and I was chatting few days ago how we missed hanging out together, especially with Kath, IC, and Aldrix. Our movie dates, our food trips, our kulitan, our every day school hang out, especially getting to see each other. As we've all know, that we're in different places now and couldn't see each other as much as we want to because if we will, we'd have to spend lots of money so gotta put that in my bucket list, to see them and hang out with them again soon.
Pabebe mode. LOL!
I'm always the clingy friend.
This was my worst day ever. And I'm going to read this in the future, so Fads here is the code: Rain, White jacket, Girl month, Jeep and sikad, Embarassment, Walked in the rain and your shoes become a disaster afterwards, Wrong choice. Good luck! Laugh at this incident, and LEARN YOUR EFFING LESSON!
September 18: I was with Mersalyn and we decided to grab icecream before going home early because this day was of the bomb explosion here in Zamboanga City. Stay safe, Zamboanga peeps! And when I got home, Mader wanted to eat ice cream so I ate ice cream again. Hello calories!
September 19: My sister Fhar's birthday
Before anything else, happy birthday my dear sister! We should've celebrated your day fantastically, but it's haram. Let's just thank Almighty Allah for another year of living for you. Stay great and masipag (compare to me). You're always gonna be our baby no matter what, always remember that we love you. And please please, quit your stubborn and smirking whenever I'm mad, coz I'm gonna kill you if you won't. Plus, no more love life, focus on your studies and friends first, especially your family. You still have more time in the future for love life when you already have something you can really be proud of. I love you sis!

And baby Ayesa went to our house to stay there for awhile, because according to her mom, they're bored because both of them are the only ones inside their house. So her mom decided to stay in our house for awhile just for fun and happiness. Srsly though, our house is a boom when Ayesa is here. Well base on observation, the house is always happy when there's a baby.
 I woke up in the morning, and she's there being cute like a little kitten. Love this cutie so much!
This is my facial wash, and when I was strolling in the grocery store, I SAW A MINI BOTTLE OF MY FACIAL WASH, and I got stoked real quick. My hands get it from the stall and put it in the trolly right away even though my current one isn't finish yet, because it's so freaking cute. And it's very affordable 20P like whuuuuut? I usually buy the expensive one, and now there's a much lower price! If your facial wash is the same as mine, go grab this one at your near grocery store/mall, it's so cute. 
This was when I just got home from buying our lunch outside and went for a little grocery for myself. 
Selfie time! LOL Bunnal kaw!
This is Chummy's boyfie/mu-s
#hubby #babe
Hi Chum! I know you love those hashtags. *wink*
And this is mine, Toni Mahfud
An artist, model, and blogger
Plus! Zayn Malik look alike, I know
Check out his instagram: @tonimahfud

 September 23: My brother Khalid (with his wife) and Pader arrived here to spend Eid'l Adha with us here in Zamboanga City which was really sweet. Shoutout to the one person missing out the family day, my brother Mugrin. Miss you though, come home soon. They bought two boxes of J.Co doughnuts as well, which was "hey, too expensive, save up some money", but it was really flattering and amazing especially that Khalid's wife was the one who bought it, Carmen. She's really approachable aside from the fact that it was our first time to meet each other.

I love doughnuts sooo much. I think it's my most favorite food *ahem calories*, like any flavor will do. If you don't like doughnuts, go get some and brighten up your life. And when you do love doughnuts, HIGHFIVE!
This was my lunch, because that's the only food I can eat during lunch since my sisters and mom and kasambahay are fasting. And I don't know what to cook (or I don't know how to cook), so doughnuts is definitely enough for me! With tea! YUM!
September 24: Eid'l Adha
Eid Mubarak, brothers and sisters! I know you're already reading this after Eid but well I still wanna greet you. This day was a very busy day, that's why I don't have lots of photos during this day besides from my mini photoshoot as I was wearing abaya, it has been a long time though.
Before I ended the month, Maderdear and I went to KFC to eat lunch after we went to my ill aunt. Bless her. And yes, I finally was able to try the chizza of KFC, I've been wanting to try it out. If you might be wondering, yes I loved it. Although I wasn't able to eat it all, because the chizza was big and can't shove it all into my tummy as much as I want it too. 

I had a great month. I hope you had too. 

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