
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Ate Cabbage Willingly & Incomplete Family Hang Out

This was the perfume that I wore yesterday which was one of my fave scent ever ever promise. I love it so much that I wish it was mine because it's my mom's so I'll have to make an effort for it to be given to me. And this was a gift from my papa to mama. But the thing is, he gave a lot of perfumes to her, she isn't gonna lose anything if she gave that one perfume to me. Pleaase! 
We went to Yubenco Tetuan for foodtrip with Papa as it was the last day that we could actually hang out for quite enough time. We ordered shawarma from Early Birds, and mine was tuna because I don't eat beef and these were the only available fillings. We also grab snacks over on One Tomato, Yes! I did ate cabbage willingly which I thought was so brave and an achievement, and Euro Mexicana. We did lots of catching up kwentos and laughter. During that time, all I felt was happiness and gratefulness of my life because my family is with me and there's nothing I could ask for. I love them to bits.

As of this moment, Papa is going to the airport to fly back to Davao for work and managerial purposes. We are going to miss you, Papa! WE LOVE YOU AND SEE YOU VERY SOON! 

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