
Friday, June 12, 2015

Our Parents are Blessings

"Our parents are blessings, don't delay showing them love. 
We don't know how long we have this blessing for."
-Dr. Bilal Philips

Recently I've been so positive since I went to Davao, and I spent a wonderful time with Mama and Papa. I realized that they have been giving me so much love unconditionally. I admit, I used to not bother about these kind of stuff, firstly because I'm not a showy person and I avoid drama. But this isn't actually drama, this is pure love that I will forever be grateful with. I am way too far from becoming a good daughter. I disappointed them SEVERAL times, besides I've made a huge mistake that I will never forget but never regret, basically because I've learned from it and it made me realized that as much as I messed up, it is as much as they stood by me, forgave me, and made me thankful because it happened. Without that experience, I won't be the person I am now, a person who think positive even though life is a mess. 

It's sometimes sad that I've realized their unconditional love and sacrifices when I'm already 16 years old, it should be earlier. But God has reasons, at least though I've already realized and understood every thing, Thank God. As long as I live in this world, I will continue to serve them and show them love the best I could. It's my turn to give them love they deserve and be a good daughter, a better daughter. Their smile in the photo above won't fade because of me. I'll make you proud, Mama and Papa.

Please whoever is reading this, and you still have parents. Please do show them love, they may be annoying and push you to your limits. Trust me, as it might sound cliché, it's what's best for you. They want what's best for you because they love you. Yes, our generation is different from theirs, but the thing is they still know what's best for us. No matter how far our gaps compare to them, they have been on this journey as well, and they do understand. Although sometimes we're a bit of annoyed because they keep on comparing their generation to us, but I have realize that it's right. Our generation is a complete messed up craps, and their generation was much better. It's good to look back at their generation because honestly they've got better journey of childhood and adulthood. They just want us to be a better version of ourselves, avoiding the ugly things our generation has and looking at the brighter things. We will not be a better person in our generation if we let our generation or society eat us. We can be better as long as our parents are beside us, to guide us. No one can tear us down as long as we believe that no matter what happen, our parents know the best for us.

I am just so thankful that I have my parents beside me, although Papa works abroad, I still believe that no matter what, we still remain in one piece. No words can actually explain my feelings right now. Satisfaction, contentment, happiness, practicality, and feeling blessed every single second of every day. I just feel so blessed that hate doesn't come my way anymore. I know there will always be bad times, but the most important thing is my parents or my family is here beside me. That's the most precious gift God could give me, and I'm eternally grateful. Besides it was just a bad day or week, not a bad life.

Thank you for everything Mama and Papa. I love you both so much.

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