
Friday, June 19, 2015

Back To School Summary of 2015 (First Semester)

First of all.. YES I'M OFFICIALLY A SOPHOMORE COLLEGE STUDENT! I just couldn't believe that my freshman year is already gone like a snap. Oh time do flies so fast. I am so excited to learn more now in my second year of college. Although well, of course, there would be time that I just don't want to go to school. Basically because of laziness and whatever students' cliché complains towards school that I'm tired of. But in all honesty, I am so excited what would this school year bring me. Aren't you? 

I was so anxious when I was already going to school for my first day of classes, I thought I was going to faint but I didn't coz I'm too strong to faint out of nowhere. Yes that's true, I really am so anxious that I'm having second thoughts on whether I'll just stay home or go there and conquer whatever chaos might happen. I went to my first class which was in the 6th floor, don't ask if it was tiring, coz it was (is, will be, because unfortunately all of my classes are in 6th floor). I went in the room, and saw my friends (that I am always with); Lea, Mersalyn, Merkhan and Jane. Fred wasn't there anymore and it made me sad because a member of our group has gone to Ozamiz City to proceed his course, but bless him wherever he is. It was a fun day although it was kind of annoying that other profs weren't attending the class but instead of thinking negative, we chose to consider their situation and appreciate the moment of no profs.. for like about 4 days or the whole week(?). I actually had normal classes where in as usual, profs sharing their background story and us giving index cards with our names on it (it's for recitation and checking of attendance). And the regular class will start next week, because this week was just all about introduction and adjustments. 

But anyway, another thing I want to discuss is, I feel so overwhelmed and excited seeing freshmen students taking tour of the campus and asking higher levels about stuff that they're not familiar with like the location of a specific room. I feel so happy that I already am included to that "higher level", like omg, I just can't even. Freshmen are so cute and innocents although they really aren't that innocent, but cute innocent, y'know what I mean? No? It's okay. Yes? That's good.

May this semester be a surviving one. And bless us all in whatever we want to do for the sake of education and brighter future for all of us. Haha I sound like reading a pledge. But anyway that's what's on my mind so therefore I write it down. 

Stay motivated everyone. Don't forget to pray because prayers go up and blessings come down. With patience and hard work, we can achieve our goals. 

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