
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dream Big

I know a lot of you doesn't think about this as much as I do. But my dreams helps me in a lot of things especially when I'm feeling down or stressed about school. I admit, I used to not think of this before and just go on with my life, and believe that whatever happens happens. But no, you have to dream, a positive one. You don't wanna live your life with no ambition and no vision of your future. I know we can't predict it, but at least vision your life as a successful human being and you are very happy. Isn't that amazing? I also know that we are not always happy even though we always wanted to be, but life isn't perfect and you are not perfect. If you haven't thought about this, or you're having a hard time to pick your specific ambition. I'll attempt to give you a little help. 

First, do not expect too much that these are going to happen. A little negativity helps you to not expect too much so that you won't get hurt too much in the future. But hey, hope is what we really need to achieve our goals. Second, there are a lot of stars in the sky, there are millions and billions of them, so why limit your dreams? You can dream countlessly like those stars up in the sky, no one is stopping you. Third, work hard, this is the hardest part because don't lie.. we all have laziness in ourselves. But work hard and stay motivated. 

Nothing is impossible. If it didn't happen to you, it wasn't meant for you.

These are the lists of my specific big dreams 

Dubai: This is not everyone's dream place to live in. But this is mine, I don't know why this country caught my heart. I want to live and have a stable job in this country. And own an apartment with my best friends Nikki and Yasmin.
Graduate in college: As a college student, we all wish to graduate and we're hopeless sometimes because college pressure as a lot. This is our parents dream for us. And besides, this is a huge step to a better future. Profession is a must.
Business: I want to have my own little business. I'm not expecting that it will be huge but hopefully it will. I haven't had in mind of what specific business it will be. But business is good because I believe it will help you if you have struggles with money.
Husband: No, I'm not rushing it. But hello, what if I'll end up single my whole life? Not everyone is lucky to have their partners in life. I don't wanna live my whole life alone. So future husband, hello there! Haha!
Kids: NO I'M NOT RUSHING THIS AS WELL. What if I wasn't lucky enough to have kids? What if? We have no idea how my hormones work. 2-4 kids is all I want. No more, no less.
Travel: Don't you just want to travel as much as you can? To explore? To be adventurous? If you haven't think of this yet, well now you just did. I bet everyone has their lists of countries they wanted to visit. 

Those are the only ones I can share, since I don't wanna explode everything to the internet. But I hope I helped you on how to vision your future and have dreams in life, because it's the most important thing in life, I think.
Last advice: Don't give up. Nothing is impossible as long as it exist. 

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