
Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Summary: First Day of Second Semester

I woke up very early today because I was so excited to see my friends and my new professors. I know how much we deny it, how we say we hate school.. I know a part of us is excited for that first day of class. If you say you didn't felt this, well you're a liar. 

I thought my first class was on 6th floor (607), so I went there and the room was empty and the lights were off. So I checked my schedule once again, and it was actually on 3rd floor (303). I was so stupid and so tired because 1st floor to 6th floor then back to 3rd floor again, the feels you know. I saw my friends and we did LOTS of chitchats about our sem break, Forevermore, Two Wives, Bagito, and music and music and music. Because one of my friend loves to sing, he sings every time and every where. I introduced to him the new album of Taylor Swift which is 1989. If you haven't heard it, please do, because it is awesome. I love her songs. I laugh so much today which I think some of the students that doesn't know me are already annoyed with my super loud laugh. I don't usually laugh that way, but today I did. It has been so long since I laughed that way, and all because of my cutiepatootie friends. Although I do laugh a lot of times, those laugh that I did today was so overwhelming and a bit different.

Guys if you didn't liked your first day.. it's okay. You still have a lot of days that'll be better than the previous one. So another was, I had 7 subjects today but only 2 professors attended the class. But it was all worth it because I really had a very nice day.  I hope you did as well. If you didn't, always remember that everything happens for a reason. You're gonna have a very nice day someday. 

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