
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November Favourites

TV Shows & Movies
TV Show: Supergirl
This show was premiered last Oct 26, 2015 but the pilot episode was leaked online last July. So I've been really loving this show mainly because it promotes girl power that we girls can also be strong like men. Melissa Benoist is one of my girl crushes, I fell inlove with her since she showed up on Glee before so I was literally jumping when I found out that she's casting Supergirl, the character really suits her. Great choice CBS!

Movies: Ex Machina
I love this movieee! I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea and I myself was shock when I actually loved the movie. The movie made me speechless after I watched it. It's literally mind blowing, the ending was omg whyyy what just happened.

Everyday I Love You
People in the Philippines love LizQuen since they showed their powerful chemistry in their show Forevermore before, then everyone follows them. And that includes me. Yes, I'm a huge fan of LizQuen because I can see the spark, y'know what I mean.
The movie was crazy, it was unique. There are so much feels and you could just cry your tears out and fall in love. Although some are predictable, after all I can say it's a great movie.

Jenn Im a.k.a clothesencounter, a Korean American, is my new fave YouTuber. I can never deny how beautiful and flawless she is with a great boyfriend. Her channel composes of fashion, tutorials, and lifestyle stuff.

Porter Robinson was recommended by Jenn Im. Thanks to her I found this legendary artist. His musics are awesome! You should go and check out his album Worlds, I've been playing it whenever I workout or destress.

View from Zamboanga Peninsula Medical Center : 2nd floor
Dawn : Hushin's Residence


ELMANROAR is an online influencer from Davao (Which is great because I'll be in Davao more often and we can collab. Haha!). I love his shots because it makes me want to go to the places he's been.
A photo posted by Emmanuel De Guzman (@emdgzmn) on

EMDGZMN is my former schoolmate when I was still in highschool. Recently this year I found his account and it's amazing, his shots are amazing, he is amazing. Em, you slayed every photo.

Water is the most important, healthy, cheap beverage on earth. This month, I've been drinking more water because I need to be healthier than ever, as you can see I have my blue water jag that I've been bringing to school everyday. This new routine makes me appreciate the importance of water and made it easier for me to ditch sodas and juices.

What I Did
Exercising & Eating nutritious food is what I've been practicing this month (and will continue). At first my reason of not eating unhealthy food was because my cough was getting worse, and I couldn't take that risk so I avoided juices, sodas, junk food, and fast food. But I still eat junk food, but much much lesser than before, like once a week and just one bite. I started exercising because I was bored during the sembreak, so I decided to exercise in the morning every day and it made me love it. After I exercise, I only feel positivity in my body.



  1. Loved reading your thoughts! At the moment I'm so into Yoga, I really recommend it! Thanks for sharing :)

    Check out my bog if you want:

    Tamara xxx

    1. Ahw thanks Tamara! I would love to try yoga soon.

  2. Great post,i really like it♥
    New post:

  3. Super girl looks amazing! Thanks for sharing, I love these types of posts :) x
    My Little Online Space

    1. It's amazing! You're welcome and I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading Evie!

  4. i absolutely love porter and jenn is one of my faves as well! i've been meaning to watch supergirl but i've been watching way too many other shows haha

    danielle | avec danielle

    1. You do?! That's great! You have to watch Supergirl, you're missing big time. It's amazing.

  5. This is a really nice way to do your monthly favorites, and I may take inspiration from this idea so it's not just makeup and fashion bits each month. Lovely! xx,
