
Monday, November 18, 2013

Review of my Eastern Province experience

Happy Monday~ Although lots of people hates mondays because of school, I still hope you're having a nice day. Unfortunately, I do not have any nice pictures for this blog, so here is my ambitious-fab-orange-lover selfie that I took on the laptop with my cozy sweater/jumper, orange beanie, and orange-black glasses (I just thought, I don't really need that for my selfie, but I still wore it. Haha). Obviously, I don't like orange. You know what, I've been wanting to blog for a very long time, not actually for a my entire life. But I just had no idea what to blog since I don't have any new photos.

It was a blessing for me to be with my father in one roof. I completely understand that we must stay together, but it's hard for me to adjust out of my comfort zone. At first, I've been acting such a kiddo, crying all night or all day because I don't like it here. Everything was ugly for me when I came to this place despite the fact that we have a nice and comfortable new house/apartment. Dammam has sleepy lights on the road which was very irritating for me and made me think of going back to Riyadh, I know I'm gonna get used to it. It will take a lot of time for me to completely adjust and I'm losing patience sometimes. I can't stop wanting to go back to Riyadh or missing my friends or wanting my old life back. But I am here now, I can't do anything anymore. I just have to learn how to adjust and accept Wisdom & Success in my life now as my new friends and family. It's gonna be really hard to completely adjust but I have to push myself.

Yasmin was my batch mate and a former student back in RIS (my school in Riyadh). The first word that came out of her mouth when she knew about the new student in fourth year was "FAHDA?!", I can barely see her face full of shock with her mouth wide open and trying to look at me very carefully. Of course, she is my closest friend now in AJISD (my school now), and she is helping me to adjust and learn how to communicate with others since I'm a very shy lady at first. I hang out with her all the time in school, all the time. I'm gonna tackle some of interesting scenarios and experiences that I would like to share with you:

  • Learning their CAdT was very interesting since they have lots of lectures that can somehow help you in the future or in your everyday life basis.
  • I've been loving Math, despite the fact that I hated it for years. Recently, it's very interesting and calculating/solving was quite fun. I hate Physics.
  • We had an intermission in Teacher's Day last October. Guess what, I had the worst performance, like I was frozen the whole time and I was at the front. But it was fun though and I had a nice day.
  • Met a gay named: Aldrix, he was very talkative and funny at the same time. When I'm with him, I can't barely talk because I've been laughing almost the whole time. And I have to mention that he is very nice. 
  • Divina's debut, it was very fun because I had my happy/kiddy meal from McDo. I know you're gonna slap me for choosing nuggets than burger because it only has four nuggets inside. I regret it as well. 
  • Being able to go shopping whenever I wanted to, since I've been saving my money and budget them. 
  • Before I left Riyadh, Nikki gave me a Candymag magazine and Daniel Padilla was the cover and the magazine was all about him. You guys have no idea how much happiness it gave me, and I died.
  • I've been reading books last month a lot. Books somehow helps me from hating this place since I take it as my distraction for everything. I read: To Kill a Mockingbird, Hush Hush, Divergent, Insurgent, Perks of being a Wallflower, Confessions of a Murder Suspect, and The Fault in our Stars (again, because it was a very nice book. Good job, John Green). 
  • I learned the routine of Malece and Alan from SoYouThinkYouCanDance show, their Bassline by Chris Brown routine. It was very hard at first, but when I was already stuck on that routine, it was easy for me to memorize the steps. It actually has simple steps. I love Malece Miller.
  • Getting to meet new people was so much fun. I'm actually loving those people in my school, they are very very nice. Especially my batch mates.
I would like to input that I've been "sweating the small stuff" quite recently. You know what, I should not stress over the small things because life is too short. If I am always worrying about small stuff, it'll then become bigger stuff so it's the best to just let it go. Look at the bright side and smile. What ever negative happens or happening to you, always remember that everything happens for a reason. Stop worrying, kill the anxiety and give everyone a real smile. 

So that's it folks! Those are the things that I would like to share. It feels good that it was possible for me to make a new blog although the internet is quite rubbish. Thanks for reading!
