
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Stargazing With Three Little Ladies

First of all, I currently live in Zamboanga City which is a small city here in the Philippines and brown out is quite on trend right now, I guess because we are already on a vacation season and Zamcelco thought everyone is enjoying their vacay out of the town. But no Zamcelco, you're wrong. Lol no jk, they said it was because we are only given a limited megawatts which they are trying to earn for the season of school, so therefore the schools here in Zambo won't be having brown outs during the whole school year. But the thing is, during our stargazing, Zamcelco temporarily cut off our electricity. So we decided to go out for stargazing to cheer ourselves up from the mess of brown out. After all, it was worth it, since stars are so unbelievably beautiful (almost choked while writing the previous statement because I just love stars so much). Chilly night and staring at the sky full of sparkling stars would be the most relaxing thing I'd always wanted to do. And always will. It was so fun since there are kids and we were just laying down on an enormous carton sharing stories and capturing photos. Plus the very naughty Peepot (the youngest girl). 

This is a moment that I don't want to forget. It's just so wonderful to let go of so I've decided to blog it for documentation. Go stargazing with anyone, it would be the best feeling ever, trust me. But just a friendly advice, do it with someone/people you love. It would mean everything to you, as it meant everything to me. I hope though someday, we'll do this as a complete family. We just have to appreciate small moments.

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