
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Tres Marias

These are my main girls, which I love the most (although I don't show it much). I was scrolling through my photos here in my laptop and got cross with these photos, which I thought that these photos are too cute not to blog. So yeah, I've decided to blog these wonderful photos. Although I chose only the decent ones, because most of our photos were silly (and all you can see are lots of blurry moving actions, in case you want to see, just tell me. Haha!) and Mama wasn't wearing her hijab. Haram! But we barely have this kind of bonding, only the three of us being silly. And of course, maybe you already knew them, but for those who doesn't. Mama and Fhar, everybody! *clap clap*
So we were preparing to go to downtown to grab some lunch, because obviously an empty tummy needs some yummy (duh). We went to Lovelife Resto (with my Aunt Rowena), which is a snack house full of traditional foods from our culture. That I bet you don't know, and I'm telling you they are delicioso.
Short blog, I know. But I'll for sure blog some more in coming days. Hopefully.
I hope you're smiling right now. Always smile please.

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